ASE ONLY – 720 Credits “HaxBot”


VAT exempted according to UStG §19



This will top up your discord with 720 HaxBot-Credits to use!


This equals monitoring 1 ARK Server without Premium for 1 Month.


Please invite the bot before the order:

Invite Link:



The pricing works as follows:
First you need to buy credits, after purchase it takes about 5-10 Minutes until the bot is active on your discord. You can check if the credits have been added by using the command !status

For each alert you set via !steamlog you will be asked if you want to add the alert as Premium

Explanation of the models:


The standard model will deduct for each hour an alert is setup for a server 1 credit! If you have multiple alerts for one server, it just counts per server and not per alert.

Calculation wise one server with standard model will effectively cost 7,50 € / Month.

The scanning of the server will work differently than Premium, the bot will connect every x seconds to the server, scans and leaves again and recognizes the changes on the Ids and will alert you.


The premium model will deduct for each hour an alert is setup for a server 2 credits!

Calculation wise one server with standard model will effectively cost 15 € / Month.

The scanning works different than Premium therefore also the price difference. For each server you have setup as premium, there will be a dedicated host staying connected to your server and will get updates instantly on the servers.

Benefits of Premium:

  • Instant join alerts
  • High accurate results on the dashboard
  • Dedicated host for an alert


Benefits of not a fixed amount of servers?

You only pay for what you setup, if you have a server less, just delete the alerts and it stops deducting credits.

Also if you plan to raid a server and want to monitor is temporary for a few days, just setup an alert, it will deduct credits but as soon as you delete it after the raid, it won’t deduct it anymore.